Leela Zero - JS

Leela Zero plays against itself on your browser.

Get updates about Leela Zero at zero.sjeng.org.

If possible, please run the native version of Leela Zero at github.com/gcp/leela-zero for better performance.

All games are stored at here.
Keep running this on a separated window (perhaps, minimizing the window), you are helping to train a better version of Leela Zero.

Your browser does not support the canvas tag.


Black: 0 White: 0

You submitted 0 games.

Network: hash_here

News: Dec-10-2017 - updated to v0.9

Credit: this site uses Emscripten to compile Leela Zero to WebAssembly,
TensorFire to run the neural network with WebGL
and Canvas Goban to draw the go board.

Find this project at github.com/NTT123/leela-zero.